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Expert energy procurement for UK business

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We source business energy contracts for UK businesses

that we guarantee will represent the Best Value 

In 1984, we helped our first clients secure significantly improved energy contracts. For over 30 years our honest and knowledgeable approach has won us many friends and customers; some have remained with us for over 20 years. Unfortunately, over the same period there was a growing distrust of the power salesman so, in 2015, we decided it was time to offer UK businesses the energy service they needed: a new, unique, professionally-designed, procurement service that actually guarantees best value.


Power Partnership Service (or PPS)  is administered by legal and energy experts and is your guarantee that all your power contracts will offer best value, security of supply and be on terms that are beneficial to you.


Energy with 100% Security of Supply

Energy direct from a Supplier you trust

Energy on the most acceptable terms and conditions

Energy at the very best price


 PPS = Unique and Trusted Power Procurement 


The Power Partnership Service addresses the procurement safeguards and requirements

imposed on many public organisations

(e.g. local Authority energy procurement for schools)

and other professional bodies

(e.g. Association of Residential Managing Agents - ARMA-Q code)

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What makes AFFORDABLE Energy the best procurement choice for public authority buyers?
Click to download A Guide to Best Value Purchasing

PPS is an integral part of each of our following services:-


                                                 AFFORDABLE Energy             ESPACE Energy              AGE - Power

Welcome to our 2016/7 portfolio.

A brief description of each service is below, with the RED words identifying the most suitable users

When you have seen the service that most closely matches your needs, click on its logo 


contact us.

We are approachable, friendly and here to help you.

AFFORDABLE Energy is the original service designed by REMIDi to suit the needs of the majority of our UK business customers and single site local authority users.
The common client profile is:

1. Less than 3 sites (supply profile 03-08).

2. The need for a reliable supplier with BEST VALUE terms and a choice of payment options.

3. Supply period from 1 to 5 years.

This service is also currently used by property Managing Agents, commonly for contracts that must guarantee Best Value, often relating to supplies to common parts for both business and residential use.     

You will receive continuous bill verification, contract management and energy advice throughout the contract supply period and to allow you to deal with renewals at a time convenient to YOU, we perform all our work well before your existing supply contracts come to an end.


ESPACE Energy is the service specifically designed for multi-site private organisations and Public/Local Authority users (e.g. NHS sites, schools or council facilities) as not only is it designed to augment your in-house skills but it also acknowledges you'll probably have a strong legal requirement to ensure you have a guarantee of security of supply and that your procurement contracts meet demanding "Best Value" requirements.

You will also have a need to receive expert advice on many energy related matters.
Carbon reduction planning, such as ESOS advice, comes as standard.

You will employ people who will benefit from our client energy education services and your finance people will welcome up-to-date knowledge on the latest energy reduction technologies and income generation schemes via the increasing range of Demand-side response offers now available and underwritten in conjunction with the National Grid.

 Hover over image then click for more information.

AGE - Power
the proof it can cost nothing to attract more customers

Designed for the business that demands 100% renewable energy

In late 2015, when others were paying more for the benefit of going green, REMIDi was the first to offer AGE, or Affordable Green Electricity, for the same price as "dirty" power.

Displaying our eye-catching logo on a high-street facing door or window can attract people who may otherwise have just walked past!

Not all suppliers agree to offer certified 100% renewable energy, yet if you want to go green we can probably arrange it.  For no extra cost!!

Your brief introduction to

The REMIDi Power Partnership Service

We work WITH YOU and FOR YOU 


The Power Partnership Service works by combining:


(1)  YOUR knowledge of your organisation and its energy needs, with

(2)    OUR specialist energy contract knowledge and procurement skills.

Using these combined skills, the Power Partnership Service:-

(A) Sets accurate & individual Benck-mark pricing for each site's energy supplies.

(B) Agrees, exclusive to each individual supply, the BEST VALUE Energy Contract, incorporating:

     (i)    The most competitive tariff, selected from a list of at least 3 quotations from approved suppliers.

     (ii)   Bespoke terms, negotiated by legal experts to meet your express requirements.

     (iii)   Invoice Validation service, available throughout the life of your contract.

     (iv)  Monitoring of contract renewals with protection to prevent unfavourable price or contract changes.  

     (v)   Billing analysis services for single and multi-site agreements

            and additional preparation of sub-meter invoicing for muti-site occupancy sites. 

     (v)   Energy Market information service.

     (vi)  Advice on Energy savings and installation of any agreed technology.

     (vii) Energy Account Help-desk access with a dedicated named point-of-contact.



We are part of the REMIDi Group, which began life as a professionally-regulated source of Corporate Legal Services.  This still remains a key element in all the services it provides and combined with over 30 years of experience in the energy markets it allows AFFORDABLE Energy to offer what is probably the most complete professionally-managed power contract service currently available.


Accessing the Power Partnership Service cost you nothing.

When we agree your Best Value Energy contract for you, the supplier of the energy pays us a fee, which we use to provide you with all the in-contract services listed above. 

Your Energy Contract


Each contract that we agree for you will contain all terms known to be acceptable to you (having also deleted terms that are unacceptable!) and be priced at the most advantageous level then available;  With the added support service we provide it will truly be your Best Value energy contract - designed specifically for you and will be fully compliant with the regulations relating to the procurement of energy for public bodies and many professionally regulated commercial procurement organisations.

Your next move?

1. Contact Us.                 CONTACT US

We'll first complete a Power Partnership Service agreement with you and then start to look at your energy use, your potential for demand reductions and your current contract arrangements. Please remember that all our services come at no cost to you.

2. Tell us what you want, for example:

For how long do you want the security of a new fixed low wholesale price?

Do you want to align different renewal dates?

Do you want Smart metering or sub-meters for accurate usage separation?

How would you like to pay for your energy?

Which suppliers would you prefer not to use?

Do you need help with energy reduction?

Do you want to host on-site generation with a guaranteed payback underwritten by the National Grid?

Do you want to secure low future rates on current contracts that may not be renewing for up to 2020?


We work for YOU

YOU decide what YOU want

We'll merely advise what is possible.